Health Services
The health services department is committed to optimizing student health and well-being, thus allowing students to reach their academic potential. Services include:
- acute and emergency care for students
- partnering with families and healthcare providers for chronic disease management
- hearing and vision screening
- formal instruction in health and physical education
- individual education and counseling on health topics by school nursing personnel
- serving as a liaison between students and school staff regarding student health needs
- improving access to community resources and health care including coordinating dental van visits and vaccine clinics
- offering healthy food choices through the Food Service Program
- providing a comprehensive guidance and counseling program
- encouraging worksite wellness activities

The purpose of the Rivendell physical activity policy is to promote daily participation in physical activity for all students. The goal is to promote and maintain physical fitness and to provide students with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills needed to understand the short and long term benefits of physical activity. Physical activities offered may include, but are not limited to, recess periods, physical education classes, walking programs, the integration of physical activities into the academic curriculum and after-school programs, including intramurals and interscholastic athletics and physical activity clubs. Rivendell recognizes that sixty (60) minutes of moderate to vigorous daily exercise is a goal for students.
This goal may be accomplished through a combination of the following:
- A sequential physical education program
- Time in the elementary school day for supervised recess with physical activities encouraged
- Opportunities and encouragement for students to initiate and voluntarily participate in before and after-school physical activity or programs, such as intramurals, clubs, etc.
- School support for community recreation and youth sports programs and agencies that complement physical activity programs