Summer Programs
We are delighted to provide new information about Elementary Summer Camp for 2024! Due to logistical changes, there are adjustments to the original information sent out to our community.
There will be two summer camps offered at our elementary schools:
1. We R H.O.P.E - This camp will be held at Westshire Elementary School and run by an organization outside the school system.
2. Rivendell Summer Camp at Samuel Morey
- The dates of Rivendell Camp will be three weeks in July:
July 8-12
July 15-19
July 22-26
- We will have a Monday-Friday schedule. Camp hours will be from 8:00-3:30 daily.
- Food service will be provided.
- Transportation will NOT be provided.
- This camp is open to students entering grades 1-6.
- The cost to attend a week of camp: $200 per child.
- Children can register for one, two, or three weeks of camp. Registration for this program is via the EZ Child Track website:
Parents/guardians may choose the camp they’d like their children to attend.
Financial Aid:
- If your family qualifies for financial aid - either through the Vermont childcare subsidy (CCFAP) or New Hampshire childcare subsidy (DHHS) - the Rivendell Camp at Sam Morey can accept the subsidies from these programs.
- We R H.O.P.E. cannot accept either of these subsidies.
We are thrilled to be able to offer this program! Please reach out with questions.
Leslie Berger
Director of After School & Summer Programming
Jennifer Botzojorns
Interim Superintendent of Schools
What You Need to Know!
Registration is now open and will close when camp reaches capacity.
We’ll be utilizing the same online registration program that is used for our after school program, EZ Child Track:
If you already have an account, you will simply need to enroll your child in the
summer camp portion of our program. If you don’t have an account, you’ll
need to create one before you can enroll your child. Online applications will be
processed in the order that they’re received.
Camp will be open Monday-Friday, beginning on Monday, July 8th and ending
on Friday, July 26th.
- Summer camp will run from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM.
- Sadly, transportation WILL NOT be offered this summer.
- The camp day will end promptly at 3:30 PM. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to pick up their child in a timely manner. Barring an emergency, there will be an additional fee of $5.00 per child for every 5 minutes that the parent is late. This additional charge will be strictly enforced and will need to be paid before your child may return to the program.
through the front door. Campers will be checked in and out each day by a staff
member. Parents and caregivers will be asked to sign children out when
arriving to pick them up. If your child is dropped off later than 8:00 or needs to
be picked up earlier than 3:30, please contact the program director.
each day. A calendar of meals will be distributed at the beginning of camp.
Meals for students in Grades 1-6 are included in the cost of camp, but parents
are welcome to provide food for their children if they’d like.
- Sunscreen & hat, sneakers
- Bathing suit & towel
- Water bottle
- Extra set of clothes
- Reading book
- Bag lunch (only if your child does not want served lunch).
- Optional: goggles, PFDs /life jackets for swim trips.
- Please leave personal toys at home.
On Wednesdays we will be visiting Pastures Campground to use the facility's playground and swimming pool. This is weather permitting, although we will try to fit in another trip later in the week if we need to cancel.
Additional field trips are a possibility, however are as yet unplanned.
At our summer camp, we take behavior very seriously and expect the best from our students. We do everything we can to create a fun and safe place for them to learn and grow, and therefore need the cooperation of all involved!
We will be implementing a 3-strike policy for behavioral concerns. These concerns include any form of bullying or harassment, not listening to adults, and/or creating an unsafe environment for those involved, including running away. Each day, a child will be given 3 opportunities to follow the rules of the program and participate in a fun and safe way. If after those three opportunities your child continues to break the rules, the following will take place:
The First Time: There will be a phone call and email home explaining what has taken place and creating a plan to help alleviate any problems.
The Second Time: This will result in a phone call home asking you or an emergency contact to come pick up your child from the program.. Students will then be asked to miss the next day of the program and you will not be reimbursed for any payments made. We will then ask for a face-to-face meeting to discuss the behaviors and come up with a plan to help the student succeed in the program.
The Third Time: There will be a call home arranging for the child to be picked up, and asked to stay home for the remainder of the week. A face-to-face meeting will then be set up to discuss a potential return plan to camp.
We want everyone to stay safe and enjoy their time at the program. If there is violence of any kind, an investigation will take place which could lead to a child being asked to find an alternative summer program. Our staff will reinforce these rules daily, working to ensure that all students are kept happy and safe. Thank you for your continued support!
- Please understand that the Rivendell Interstate School District reserves the right to recommend that your child not attend camp if serious problems occur. We reserve the right to remove any child at any time if we feel we cannot adequately handle their behavior or other needs.
- No fee for any reason will be refunded after the program begins. This policy is strictly enforced. Also, if your child has been asked to leave this program due to poor behavior or other issues, no refunds will be issued.
All payments will need to be made ten days prior to the start of each week of camp your child attends. A $100 non-refundable deposit will be required when registering your child. After the deposit is made, the remainder of the payment can be made right on the EZ Child Track website. Please note the payment due dates below to assist with planning. Payments may be made on EZ Child Track using credit/debit/e-checks.
Automatic payment plans can also be set up on EZ Child Track. Additionally, you can opt for a payment schedule. You may pay with a check or cash. If opting for the pay-in-person option, please hand cash or checks directly to the program administrator.
2024 Payment Due Dates
July 8th - 12th | Payment Due: June 28th | |
July 15th - 19th | Payment Due: July 5th | |
July 22nd - 26th | Payment Due: July 12th | |
Financial Aid is Available
The cost of sending children to camp can be a financial challenge for many families. However, as our program is licensed with the Vermont Child Development Division as well as New Hampshire DDHS. Financial aid is available!
The process to apply for financial aid for Vermont residents is explained in the
financial aid section of the ATB Newsletter.
Please reach out to Leslie Berger if you need more information.
Additional Information
The RISD summer staff is not in a position to dispense prescription medication.
The following medication can be given with written parental consent, only at the dose recommended and only for the duration and method of administration recommended on the manufacturer’s label.
- Antihistamine
- Non-aspirin fever reducer/pain reliever
- Anti-itching ointment or lotion (specifically for itch relief only).
- Decongestant
A physician’s written authorization is required to dispense non-prescription medication not listed above.
“In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this
institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation),
disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.”
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S.
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